Milwaukee Station
Great Falls, Montana
Great Falls' Past Meets Present
A landmark in central Great Falls, the former Chicago, Milwaukee, Saint Paul, and Pacific railroad depot is an historic icon which today has been renovated to hold offices and a beautiful outdoor patio space. Milwaukee Station is envisioned as an expansion of this historic structure, which will connect modern apartments to the station building with a wine bar, restaurant, and glass atrium. Woith Engineering is responsible for the site design, including retracing the original boundaries of the railroad right-of-way, designing the parking and access to the site, and coordinating the connection between new and old structures.
Scope of Services - Our Role
Woith Engineering was responsible for the following:
Retracing Railroad Right-of-Way
Topographic Survey of Existing Patio Space
Initial Site Planning and Evaluation
Accessible (ADA) Design of Parking Facilities
Non-motorized and Pedestrian Facilities
Grading and Drainage Design
Water Service Design
Sanitary Sewer Service Design
Sanitary Sewer Construction Inspection
Construction Administration and Inspection
Construction Staking
Cost Estimation