Grant Creek Village
Missoula, Montana
Rebuilding the Old Quarry Site
Located at the mouth of the Grant Creek valley, adjacent to Interstate 90, Grant Creek Village is a redevelopment of a large former gravel quarry. The first phase consists of approximately 120 apartment units, with a mix of 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom units. Woith Engineering was responsible for the design of the gravel pit reclamation, adjacent roads, parking lots, water and sanitary sewer mains, and a large underground storm water detention system. The project includes state-of-the-art storm water treatment technologies, including permeable pavements, settling bays, and trash and debris stops.
Scope of Services - Our Role
Woith Engineering was responsible for the following:
Initial Site Planning and Evaluation
Accessible (ADA) Design of Parking Facilities
Non-motorized and Pedestrian Facilities
Grading and Drainage Design
Underground Detention Design
Storm Water Treatment Design
Water Service Design
Individual Metering
Sanitary Sewer Main Extension
Department of Environmental Quality Review
Sanitary Sewer Service Design
Sanitary Sewer Construction Inspection
Dry Utility Design
Construction Administration and Inspection
Construction Staking
Cost Estimation